Build A Business You Can Retire From
We Help You Purchase Businesses and Franchises
The Enterprise Group is a Florida based company that works with entrepreneurs and business owners. We have three basic functions, one, we help those who want to go into business for themselves. Two, we work with business owners who want to sell their company, and three, we work with business owners to develop a plan to build your company into an asset you can retire from. All three of these functions are all part of the same path of business ownership, they are just at different stages.

We Help You Build Your Business Into An Asset and Prepare For A Future Sale
Most business owners do not go into business thinking about the day they will eventually retire. They jump into the new business and start working without a plan. We feel this is a mistake. We help you to see the importance of starting from the very beginning, or from where you are right now as a business owner to develop the mindset that you are building an asset, not creating a job or "owning a business".

The Company
The Enterprise Group is a consulting firm specializing in working with business owners and entrepreneurial-minded people who want to become business owners. The Enterprise Group is focused on working with business owners to help them develop goals and work a plan to enhance the value of their business so that at a predetermined point they know it is the right time to sell. We work closely with our clients to help them prepare their business. We want to help you maximize the value of your business. Whether you are thinking about selling today or within the next ten years, The Enterprise Group wants to develop a relationship with our business owners because at the end of the day, people do business with people they like and can relate to. We can help you develop a specific road map that defines short, mid, and long-term goals. You will be laser-focused and you will no longer wonder what the future looks like because you will have defined that future and set a road map to reach it.